STid Architect
Card reader, OSDP, mullion
CTN ARC1W33BPH5B201A| Product No. F.01U.410.589
- 13.56 MHz proximity compatible with access controllers with RS485 interface
- IP65 rated for indoor and outdoor use
- OSDP V2 Secure Channel support
STid Architect
Card reader, OSDP, standard
CTN ARCW33APH5B201A| Product No. F.01U.410.590
- 13.56 MHz proximity compatible with access controllers with RS485 interface
- IP65 rated for indoor and outdoor use
- OSDP V2 Secure Channel support
STid Architect
Card reader, OSDP, standard, keypad
CTN ARCW33BPH5B201A| Product No. F.01U.410.591
- 13.56 MHz proximity compatible with access controllers with RS485 interface
- IP65 rated for indoor and outdoor use
- OSDP V2 Secure Channel support
STid Architect
Card reader, Wiegand, mullion
CTN ARC1R31B103B101A| Product No. F.01U.410.444
- 13.56 MHz proximity compatible with access controllers with Wiegand interfaces
- IP65 rated for indoor and outdoor use
- Supports MIFARE Classic (CSN), MIFARE DESFire EV1, EV2 and EV3 (CSN)
STid Architect
Card reader, Wiegand, standard
CTN ARCR31A103B101A| Product No. F.01U.410.433
- 13.56 MHz proximity compatible with access controllers with Wiegand interfaces
- IP65 rated for indoor and outdoor use
- Supports MIFARE Classic (CSN), MIFARE DESFire EV1, EV2 and EV3 (CSN)
STid Architect
Card reader, Wiegand, standard, keypad
CTN ARCR31B103B101A| Product No. F.01U.410.434
- 13.56 MHz proximity compatible with access controllers with Wiegand interfaces
- IP65 rated for indoor and outdoor use
- Supports MIFARE Classic (CSN), MIFARE DESFire EV1, EV2 and EV3 (CSN)
LECTUS duo 3000 classic 系列
- 13.56 MHz MIFARE读卡器与博世门禁控制器及博世软件(BIS/ACE、AMS和APE)兼容
- 所有读卡器上均配备RS485和Wiegand接口,非常便于使用
- 支持博世编码的MIFARE Classic凭证
- IP65和IK08/IK10防护等级,支持室内和室外安装
- 支持OSDP V2安全通道

LECTUS duo 3000 EV1 系列
- 13.56 MHz MIFARE读卡器与博世门禁控制器及博世软件(BIS/ACE、AMS和APE)兼容
- 所有读卡器上均配备RS485和Wiegand接口,非常便于使用
- IP65和IK08/IK10防护等级,支持室内和室外安装
- 支持OSDP V2安全通道

LECTUS select
- Compact design
- Easy installation
- Sabotage monitoring
- Numbers and symbols backlighted
- Three status LEDs

LECTUS enroll
CTN ARD-EDMCV002-USB| Product No. F.01U.261.014
- 简化操作员的注册流程
- 桌面读卡器,具有紧凑、坚固的外壳
- 三个LED指示灯
- 配有长电缆的USB接口,使用更灵活
CTN ARD-FR054-4BI| Product No. F.01U.382.152
- 5英寸LCD
- 人脸识别门禁设备
- 活体检测功能
- 内嵌多技术读卡器
- Wiegand和OSDP双接口
CTN ARD-FR084-4BI| Product No. F.01U.382.153
- 8英寸LCD
- 人脸识别门禁设备
- 活体检测功能
- 内嵌多技术读卡器
- Wiegand和OSDP双接口
LECTUS secure 9000
CTN ARD-SER90-WI| Product No. F.01U.291.570
- 13.56 MHz感应读卡器,适用于通过Wiegand接口连接到门禁控制器
- 支持多种技术(标准iCLASS、MIFARE®和MIFARE DESFire® EV1)
- 带蜂鸣器和多色LED显示屏的感应/长距离读卡器
- 坚固且能抵御各种天气的聚碳酸酯外壳,可适应严苛的环境
卡,MIFARE EV3,8kB,50pcs
CTN ACD-EV3-ISO| Product No. F.01U.419.777
- 塑料证卡,PVC
- 信用卡大小
- 符合ISO/IEC 14443A
- 可向下兼容EV1
- 使用唯一卡号进行预编码
CTN ACD-SEO8K26-50| Product No. F.01U.405.139
- 信用卡大小
- 印刷卡号
- Seos芯片
- 8 KB,适合标准应用场景
- 由LECTUS secure读卡器提供全面支持
CTN ACD-SEO8K37-50| Product No. F.01U.405.140
- 信用卡大小
- 印刷卡号
- Seos芯片
- 8 KB,适合标准应用场景
- 由LECTUS secure读卡器提供全面支持
墙面安装盒,LECTUS secure,R20,黑色
CTN ARA-R20-BWA| Product No. F.01U.405.143
- 表面安装主机
- 与全新一代LECTUS secure兼容
墙面安装盒,LECTUS secure,R40,黑色
CTN ARA-R40-BWA| Product No. F.01U.405.144
- 与全新一代LECTUS secure兼容
- 表面安装主机
STid Architect
壁装底盒,ARC 1,黑色,5件
CTN KIT-SPACER-ARC1-NO| Product No. F.01U.410.593
- Spacers for the STid readers
- Compatible with European and North American flushboxes
- Stackable bases with cable hole
STid Architect
CTN KIT-SPACER-ARC-NO| Product No. F.01U.410.592
- Spacers for the STid readers
- Compatible with European and North American flushboxes
- Stackable bases with cable hole
CTN ARD-FC023-4BI| Product No. F.01U.382.134
- 适用于 CPU卡
- 指纹生物识别
- 密码键盘
- 背光多色LED
- Wiegand和OSDP双接口
STid Architect
用于ARC OSDP的地址配置卡集
CTN KITBCBOSCH20| Product No. F.01U.412.888
- Set of eight configuration cards for the STid readers with OSDP
- Allows the configuration of the readers address 1 to 8
CTN ACD-ATR14CS| Product No. F.01U.075.415
- 性能可靠且无干扰
- 功能强大、灵活耐用且不易损坏
- 可与照片ID兼容
- 精致小巧
CTN ARD-AYK12| Product No. F.01U.075.408
- 双色LED
- 迷你门框读卡器
- Wiegand接口
- EM凭证技术
- 室内和室外使用
LECTUS secure 1000
CTN ARD-SIGR20-ICL| Product No. F.01U.405.135
- 13.56 MHz感应读卡器,与带Wiegand接口的门禁控制器兼容
- IP65防护等级,支持室内和室外安装
- 安装简单快速,节省安装成本
- 支持Seos和iCLASS证卡技术
- 响应迅速,读取性能出色
LECTUS secure 1000
CTN ARD-SIGR20-SEO| Product No. F.01U.405.134
- 13.56 MHz感应读卡器,与带Wiegand接口的门禁控制器兼容
- IP65防护等级,支持室内和室外安装
- 安装简单快速,节省安装成本
- 支持Seos证卡技术
- 响应迅速,读取性能出色
LECTUS secure 4000
CTN ARD-SIGR40-ICL| Product No. F.01U.405.137
- 13.56 MHz感应读卡器,与带Wiegand接口的门禁控制器兼容
- IP65防护等级,支持室内和室外安装
- 安装简单快速,节省安装成本
- 支持Seos和iCLASS证卡技术
- 响应迅速,读取性能出色
LECTUS secure 3000
CTN ARD-SIGR20K-ICL| Product No. F.01U.405.136
- 13.56 MHz感应读卡器,与带Wiegand接口的门禁控制器兼容
- IP65防护等级,支持室内和室外安装
- 安装简单快速,节省安装成本
- 支持Seos和iCLASS证卡技术
- 响应迅速,读取性能出色
LECTUS secure 5000
CTN ARD-SIGR40K-ICL| Product No. F.01U.405.138
- 13.56 MHz感应读卡器,与带Wiegand接口的门禁控制器兼容
- IP65防护等级,支持室内和室外安装
- 安装简单快速,节省安装成本
- 支持Seos和iCLASS证卡技术
- 响应迅速,读取性能出色
遥控器,MIFARE EV3,8kB,50pcs
CTN ACT-EV3TRF-SA1| Product No. F.01U.419.778
- 令牌形状的凭证
- 可向下兼容EV1
- 使用唯一卡号进行预编码
CTN ACT-SEO8K26-10| Product No. F.01U.405.141
- 密钥卡精致小巧
- Seos芯片
- 8 KB,适合标准应用场景
- 由LECTUS secure读卡器提供全面支持
CTN ACT-SEO8K37-10| Product No. F.01U.405.142
- 密钥卡精致小巧
- Seos芯片
- 8 KB,适合标准应用场景
- 由LECTUS secure读卡器提供全面支持
- CPU读卡器
- 带蜂鸣器和多色 LED背光显示的读卡器
- 读取CPU卡加密扇区内容或UID号码
- ISO14443 A 卡片全兼容
- Wiegand和OSDP双接口