AVENAR detector 4000
- 具有智能信號處理 (ISP) 技術,能提供極高的可靠性與精確性
- 雙效光學版本 (雙重光線技術) 能夠在最早的時間偵測最輕的煙霧
- 監控環境中的電磁影響,以快速進行根本原因分析
- 自動和手動定址

250 in stock
FAP‑520 自動火災偵測器 LSN 改良版
- 時尚的超薄設計
- 偵測器表面平滑且容易清潔
- 創新固定機制
- 高度可靠
- 可在發生線路中斷或短路情況時,透過兩組整合式隔離器讓 LSN 迴路保持運作。
- 改良的 LSN 技術提供更多系統參數

250 in stock
FAS-420-TM 系列吸氣式煙霧探測器 LSN 改進式版本
- 透過智能信號處理 LOGIC·SENS 提供高誤導警報的免疫力
- 創新的火源識別技術可藉由監控多達五個不同分區來準確找出火災的位置
- 創新的氣流監控,包括單孔監控,會偵測到阻塞和斷裂情形
- 隨插即用功能讓您輕鬆地安裝和試用
- 在電線中斷或短路時,透過兩個整合式隔離器來維持 LSN 迴路的功能

250 in stock
FAS‑420 系列吸氣式煙霧探測器 LSN 改進式版本
- 透過智能信號處理 LOGIC·SENS 提供高誤導警報的免疫力
- 創新的氣流監控,包括單孔監控,會偵測到阻塞和斷裂情形
- 自動初始化功能讓初始設定變得更輕鬆
- 可在發生線路中斷或短路情況時,透過兩組整合式隔離器讓 LSN 迴路保持運作。
- SL 版本:透過極為安靜的風扇將噪音降到 38 dB(A),使用額外吸音器時,最多可降到 34 dB(A)

250 in stock
FCP‑320/FCH‑320 常規自動火災探測器
- 評估電子儀器能提供極高的偵測可靠性
- 在化學感應器變髒時,可主動調整臨界值 (飄移補償)
- 可啟用外置火警信號指示燈
- 機械式拆卸鎖(可以啟用/停用)
- 具有防塵迷宮和保護蓋結構

250 in stock
FCS-320-TM 系列常規吸氣式煙霧探測器
- 透過智能信號處理 LOGIC·SENS 提供高誤導警報的免疫力
- 創新的火源識別技術可藉由監控多達五個不同分區來準確找出火災的位置
- 創新的氣流監控,包括單孔監控,會偵測到阻塞和斷裂情形
- 隨插即用功能讓您輕鬆地安裝和試用
- 通過專利的吸氣減量膜片簡單地實施管道系統規劃

250 in stock
FCS-320-TP 系列常規吸氣式煙霧探測器
- 透過智能信號處理 LOGIC·SENS 提供高誤導警報的免疫力
- 創新的氣流監控,包括單孔監控,會偵測到阻塞和斷裂情形
- 自動初始化功能讓初始設定變得更輕鬆
- 透過探測器模組上的閃存代碼或使用 FAS‑ASD‑DIAG 診斷軟件來輕鬆診斷
- 通過專利的吸氣減量膜片簡單地實施管道系統規劃

250 in stock
FMX5000 IR Flame detectors
- High degree of immunity against false alarms, e.g. from hot surfaces or sunlight
- A microcontroller monitors the functionality and analyses the recorded data. Faults can be indicated on the detector or on a separate line
- Service interface, history memory
- Connection of remote indicator possible
- 3-channel optic test
250 in stock
IR3 火焰偵測器
CTN 016589| Product No. F.01U.279.762
- Sensitivity according to EN 54-10 Class 1: 0.33 m² flames at 25m
- Low risk of false alarms due to different IR wavelengths and a combination of filters and signal processing techniques
- Reliable operation, even if the lens is contaminated by a layer of oil, dust, water-vapour, or ice
- Selectable response time
- 2-wire or 4-wire configuration via DIP switch settings
250 in stock
IR3 火焰偵測器,防火隔爆型
CTN 016519| Product No. F.01U.279.764
- Suitable for explosive areas of the zones 1, 21, 2 and 22 (ATEX and IECEx certified)
- Sensitivity according to EN 54-10 Class 1: 0.33 m² flames at 25m
- Low risk of false alarms due to different IR wavelengths and a combination of filters and signal processing techniques
- Reliable operation, even if the lens is contaminated by a layer of oil, dust, water-vapour, or ice
- Selectable response time
- 2-wire or 4-wire configuration via DIP switch settings
250 in stock
CTN MSC 420| Product No. 4.998.113.025
- Damp room sealing for installation in humid areas
- Easy to install
- Surface mounting
250 in stock
CTN FAA-500-SPRING| Product No. F.01U.510.028
- For installation in concrete and wooden ceilings
- Easy to install
250 in stock
CTN FAA-500-CB| Product No. F.01U.508.713
- Installation in concrete ceilings
- Easy to install
250 in stock
CTN FAD-420-HS-EN| Product No. F.01U.029.411
- 在空氣流速每秒 1.5 公尺到每秒 20 公尺的通風系統中使用
- 若要激活風扇、門控或外接顯示裝置,可以安裝選配繼電器板
- 磨砂蓋上的透明部分可用來觀察整合式 FAD-425-O-R 探測器的 LED 警報顯示
- 可防止在不需要的情況下取下面蓋的控制能力
- 可輕鬆安裝 FAD-425-O-R 探測器
- 可在發生線路中斷或短路情況時,透過兩組整合式隔離器讓 LSN 迴路保持運作。
250 in stock
CTN FRAY-ONE-UL| Product No. F.01U.400.534
- Integrated control unit
- Auto-Alignment with motorized detector head
- Light Cancellation Technology
- Building Movement Tracking
- Detection range up to 393 ft
250 in stock
CTN FRAY-ONE-EN| Product No. F.01U.400.533
- Standalone product with integrated control unit
- Auto-Alignment with motorized detector head
- Light Cancellation Technology
- Building Movement Tracking
- Detection range up to 120 m
250 in stock
CTN FCS-LHD-2EN| Product No. F.01U.393.476
- Applicable in constricted spaces and under extreme environmental conditions.
- IP 65 rated enclosure
- Minimal maintenance costs through continual self-monitoring of the sensor cable
- Commissioning via built in LCD display
- Rate-of-rise and configurable fixed heat alarm detection
250 in stock
CTN FAA-500-TR-P| Product No. 4.998.151.296
- Easy to install
- No additional mounting material needed
250 in stock
CTN FAA-500-TR-W| Product No. 4.998.151.295
- Easy to install
- No additional mounting material needed
250 in stock
CTN FAA-500-SB-H| Product No. F.01U.510.166
- Damp room sealing for installation in humid areas
- Optional flush or surface cabling
250 in stock
CTN FDB201| Product No. F.01U.332.583
- Compact and robust design
- High level of resistance to temperature fluctuations, humidity, corrosion and contamination
- Safe insertion of an designation plate
250 in stock
CTN OOH740-A9-EX| Product No. F.01U.332.582
- Compact and robust design
- Earliest detection of lightest smoke with dual-optical or thermal detection
- Highly reliable and accurate
- High level of resistance to temperature fluctuations, humidity, corrosion and contamination
- High resistance to interference
250 in stock
顯示 35個項目中的個